
No Bake Casting

Introduction: Also known as no bake sand casting, the no bake casting is the most sophisticated casting techniques of the modern times. In this process a strong chemical bond is created in the mold that is made from a mixture of sand, quick-setting resin and catalyst. Air set molding, which is a cold setting process, was developed in response to the increasing demand…

Metal Casting

What is metal casting process? Metal casting is defined as the process in which molten metal is poured into a mold that contains a hollow cavity of a desired geometrical shape and allowed to cool down to form a solidified part. Term casting is also used to describe the part made by the casting process which dates back 6000 years. Historically it…

Manufacturing Processes – Green Sand Molding

Green Sand Casting

Green Sand Molding Green sand is by far the most diversified molding method used in current metalcasting operations. The green sand process utilizes a mold made of compressed or compacted moist sand packed around a wood or metal pattern. The term "green" denotes the presence of moisture in the molding sand, and indicates that the mold is not baked or…

History of Casting

Introduction: Since the evolution of mankind, man has used his intelligence and creative instinct to develop things that will reduce his labor. He shaped bowls, tools and weapons out of stones and wood which was naturally found in nature.With the passage of time he discovered other element in nature like gold, silver and copper which were readily available in nature in the…


Introduction: The discovery of metals was the stepping stone towards civilization. The metal are known to man form the pre biblical times and different civilizations used the metal to make products for religious, hunting, weapon, house hold and ornamental purpose. Now, man is dependent on metal for cooking to traveling. A separate department called the metallurgy studies the entire process of…

Bernier Casts New Replacement Component for City Water Treatment Plant

The City of Saginaw Water Treatment Plant has been in operation since 1929 and is one of the largest drinking water plants in the State of Michigan.  Currently, the Water Works has a maximum treatment capacity of 115 million gallons per day.  The raw water source originates at Lake Huron’s Whitestone Point, and takes a 65-mile journey to the City…

Casting Process Advantages

Casting process enjoys certain advantages vis-a-vis other shaping processes such as forging, welding, stamping, rolling, extruding, etc. The reasons for the success of the casting process are: Owing to physical properties, some metals can only be cast since they cannot be re-modelled into bars, rods, plates or other shapes. It's a process highly adaptable to the requirements of mass production.…

Types of Casting Molds

Casting is a process in which a liquid is poured into a mold in order to produce a product. There are several types of molds that are used in the casting process. Some are temporary and are destroyed during the casting process. Others are permanent and are reused again and again. The type of mold chosen is usually based on…

Types of Welding Metals

 There are a number of different types of metals which are acceptable for welding. It is important to know how to weld specific welding metal types so that you have the correct welding equipment on hand to properly get the job done. Welding Aluminum Welding aluminum requires high power welding and very clean oxide-free surfaces. Cleaning a surface to be…

Metal Basics: A Beginner’s Intro to Choosing the Right Material

Building with metal is great — it’s strong, versatile, and looks cool. When you’re getting started on a metal project, the first step is determining what type of material will work best. For most projects, steel, stainless steel, aluminum, and copper have a good range of properties and are easily available at a reasonable price. Although many other alloys and metals…