Bernier Cast Metals Assists in Restoring Classic Renault Street Car for Thai Royal Family

elaine meszaros
26 February 18

If you are a member of Thailand’s royal family and would like to restore your 1907 Renault street car, what would you do?  RM Motorsports in Wixom, Michigan, restores vintage race and collectable cars and was selected by Thailand’s royal family to restore their street car.  Unfortunately, the original cylinder cases were severely corroded and in multiple pieces. Because of this, RM Motorsports was in need of two new cast iron cylinder cases for the Renault.  RM Motorsports partnered with Mercury Pattern and Bernier Cast Metals to reverse engineer from the existing cylinder case a new set of tooling. This new tooling would in turn be used to cast the required cylinder case.  Bernier Cast Metals delivered the new cast iron cylinder cases to RM Motorsports, where they were machined and the engine was assembled, started, tested, and delivered to Thailand.

See the engine running: