Bernier Cast Metals Inc. was contacted by a potential customer in the Vibratory Finishing industry. This customer has a number of finishing machines, with the most important being a very large machine that is manufactured in Italy. One of the main components of this machine is a 500 lb gray iron casting that was beginning to show signs of considerable wear. It was apparent that a replacement was necessary, but due to a number of circumstances, it was not possible to source a replacement directly from the manufacturer in Italy. This led the customer to Bernier providing the existing worn component for us to reverse engineer, create a pattern, and to produce a casting. With this machine being the main workhorse at this facility, it was critical that the process take minimal time due to the interruption in production. Bernier was able to build tooling and deliver a new casting at light-speed to replace the worn component with minimal down time for the customer’s line. Their flagship machine was back up and running in top-performing condition, and the next time they require a replacement part, Bernier Cast Metals will be their first and only call.